

《星战8》亚裔演员清空社交账号,据称因网络暴力 - 星球大战:最后的绝地武士

《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)》中的亚裔演员凯莉·玛丽·陈(Kelly Marie Tran)清空了她的Instagram账号,据称是因为她长期遭到网络暴力。

在《星战8》中,陈饰演Rose Tico。目前她已经删除了社交账号上的全部内容,只留下了一个“害怕,但依然坚持”的简介。大家猜测这与她遭受大量负面评论有关。


《星战8》的导演Rian Johnson表示,自己正从网络骚扰中解脱出来。虽然自己与观众会有不同的好恶,但那些真正的星战粉丝们会用幽默、爱与尊重来看待问题。

OBI-WAN MOVIE (TBD)<br /> With Ewan McGregor stating that he'd be totally onboard for another lightsaber stab at Obi-Wan Kenobi, it was reported in summer of 2017 that an Obi-Wan standalone was, indeed, in development. The latest rumor is that production might begin in 2019, with Liam Neeson revealing that he'd return to the franchise as Qui-Gon Jin if needed, but this is not a confirmed project quite yet.



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